Citation - Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia: 1774.08.08

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Index Entry His Royal Majesty [fl] 
Location Philadelphia 
8 Aug 1774:32 (3/146)
On reading in the eastern papers the address to General
Gage, from the Justices of Suffolk, in Massachusetts
government, with his Excellency's answer to it, brought to
my mind the address of the Mayor and Corporation of
Coventry, to Queen Elizabeth, on her paying them a visit.---
I will attempt to repeat it, though perhaps not literally.
  We men of Coventry
  Are very glad to see
  Your Royal Majesty
  Good Lord, how fair you be !
To which her Majesty replied, 
  My Royal Majesty
  Is very glad to see
  You men of Coventry
  Good sirs, what fools you be. !
Now though I don't pretend to that elegance of language, and
beauty of poetry so eminently here displayed, I will aim at
a humble imitation.
  His royal Majesty
  In this time of "difficulty"
  Has sent your Excellency
  Dear sir how wise you be.
  I do most thankfully
  Receive these lines from ye
  Men who so plainly see
  My great "ability"
  Dear sirs what knaves ye be.
[signed] Z.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia 
Date 1774.08.08 
Publisher Dunlap, John 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0040127
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